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‘’Taking over Lions is a big challenge’’ Christian Cole

By Kemoh Sesay

The newly appointed coach of East End Lions Football Club, Christian Cole, has said that taking over Lions is a big challenge.

He howeverpromised that he would do his best as expected from the executive and supporters of the Club.

‘’Coaching Lions at this point in time is a test but am ready to go through it as nothing comes without challenges’’,he said.

When asked about his first priority in the club, he said that he wanted to qualify the team to the CAF Competition next season.

“I will do my best to qualify the team if I have all the necessary logistics to keep my work going”.

He said that since he took over as head coach he had scouted for players to add to the existing squad. “I will not get rid of the players I met, but I will assess their performance and then take the necessary steps, which I am presently doing during training”.

He assured his backroom staff that he will work with them so that they will produce result in the upcoming league season.

(C) Politico 28/01/14
