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“We need justice to be dispensed in time” – Bio urges new Judge

  • President Bio and new Supreme Court Judge, Abdulai M Bangura

By Nasratu Kargbo

Addressing the newly appointed Supreme Court Judge Abdulai Masiyambay Bangura, President Julius Maada Bio has stressed the need for the judiciary to dispense justice in time.

Speaking during the swearing-in ceremony of the new judge on the 16th of February 2024, Bio said “As a developing nation, we need justice to be dispensed in time, as we all know justice delayed is justice denied. It is that arm of government that we all look forward to because the criticality of its job cannot be overemphasized”.

Bio further stated that the new Judge has a critical task, and was hopeful that Bangura and his colleagues will improve the sector. The President registered his faith in the Judiciary, saying he believes that they will continue providing a system wherein Sierra Leoneans can live in peace and harmony. He added that it would be nice for citizens to know that if they are wronged they could go to court and seek redress.

He emphasized the importance of the Judiciary and said that the arm of government is in charge of a stable nation.   

The newly appointed judge expressed delight and appreciation for the appointment, saying "This has been a life-long desire, and I thank you very much for making me realize this ambition”.

Bangura assured the President and other Judges present that he is committed to doing justice to all.

Secretary to the President Dr Julius Sandy explained that President Bio announced Bangura’s appointment on the 26th of January 2024, on the advice of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, under Section 135(2) of the Constitution of Sierra Leone.

Sandy added that the new Judge at the time was interviewed by Parliament in a bid to assess and determine whether Bangura was suitable to serve as a judge of the Supreme Court.  He was subsequently approved by Parliament on the 8th of February 2024.

Bangura was until his new appointment, the Chairman of the Political Parties Regulation Commission (PPRC).

Copyright (c) 2024 (Politico 20/02/24)
