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Catholic Bishops call for unity and accountability

  • Leaders of Sierra Leone's Catholic Church

Catholic Bishops of Sierra Leone say corruption has “eaten deep into the fabric of our society” and promoted “a culture of unconcern and impunity”.

In a wide-ranging Pastoral Letter to mark the end of the Easter Season of the church’s liturgical calendar, the four bishops from Freetown, Bo, Makeni and Kenema say “those who have robbed society should be brought to book”.

In the area of education, the bishops have called for a system that is “open, fair and offers equal opportunities to all”, while producing graduates who are “workplace ready and make themselves employable or self-employed”.

In an apparent reference to recent reports of malpractice in public exams, the bishops say “cheating at examinations and paying for grades defeat the very purpose of education and disfigure the image of individuals and the country”.

The Letter also touches on the need for national cohesion, noting there is more need for unity now than ever before as many in Sierra Leone have “succumbed to the scourge of tribalism, ethnicity and regionalism“. It calls for all to work together as a “united national family to dispel hatred and division and promote harmony and tolerance.”

The bishops call on the Catholic faithful to “develop a keen interest and actively take part in political affairs, both locally and nationally” because “the measure of the country’s political life depends on the part that good citizens play”.

They argue that “upright and devoted Christians, loyal to their country and self-sacrificing in their pursuit of the common good have a great deal to offer to the political and social development of Sierra Leone.” They call on public officers to carry out their duties with “moral rectitude.”

Archbishop Edward Tamba Charles of Freetown, Bishops Natela Paganelli, Henry Aruna and Charles Campbell of Makeni, Kenema and Bo respectively signed the letter, saying that Sierra Leone’s discussions and reflections must be directed at the sociopolitical situation in the country. That, they say, presents possibilities and challenges that “center largely around the unity of the country and its socio-economic development”.

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