By Chernor Alimamy Kamara
Two years on since a 22 year old IPAM student, Namisa Fatmata Kamara’s body was found in a shallow grave at the compound of the Bobani-Brownes at Sumaila town on the 9th August, 2022, the family is still wondering when they could get justice for their daughter.
Mariama Kargbo, the mother of the late Namisa told Politico that since the incident happened two years ago when the Police obtained statement and promised to get back to them, they are yet to hear a word from the authorities.
According to her, after that initial interview with the Police, they were told the police already had three sources at their disposal and only one remained for them to press charges. She recalled that, the police only invited her at one particular date for questioning and told her that one of the suspects, Patricia Bobani-Browne complained of her making threats, and was cautioned to keep away from her.
Mariama also recalled that not long ago, someone from the Human Rights Commission called her on phone that they are still pursuing the matter and that they will call her when they have something concrete. She is calling for Justice so that the perpetrator(s) will be brought to book.
Politico went to the Criminal and Investigations Department (CID) earlier this August only to learn that the officer that was dealing with the matter has retired from the Force and also the other Officer heading the Homicide Unit has been transferred to another Unit, thugh his transfer unrelated to the case at hand. He promised to search for the file again and dedicate the matter to another officer for onward investigations.
Namisa was reported missing on the 1st August, 2022 and her corpse was discovered nine days later, creating outrage and shock at the Sumaila Town community.
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