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Run 4 A Reason Marathon set for September

The Run 4 A Reason marathon, which will be organized by One Management (OM) in collaboration with the Sierra Leone Athletics Association (SLAA), has been set for 27 September 2015 in Freetown.

Production and Marketing Executive of OM, Randa Alieyaa Sheriff, said that the purpose of setting up the run is for athletes to show case their talent in running long distance races and to prepare themselves for future international competitions.

“This is the first time we are partnering with the SLAA, and we plan to engage more disciplines, our doors are open to all, but we will only work with credible Associations’’ said Randa.

She said that the marathon was open to all and that fitness was the watch word. Registration forms, she added, would be issued to the public for everybody, free of charge.

SLAA PRO, Abu Bakarr Baraca, aka Sparky, said that his association was pleased to partner with OM as they would give them all the support they needed in making the event successful.

Prize money of between Le400, 000 and Le1.5M will be given to the first three for both male and female categories.

(C) Politico 01/09/15
