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Sierra Leone president attends UK-Africa Summit

By Kemo Cham

Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio was set to join about two dozen African leaders at the opening of the maiden edition of the UK-Africa Summit in London, which the British government said was meant to promote bilateral trade and investment between the UK and Africa.

President Bio is one of 16 African heads of state that were expected to attend the summit that will attract over 1500 delegates from the continent and the UK business communities.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is hosting the event that UK diplomats in Freetown say has been designed to serve as a major milestone in the Kingdom’s push to become a major partner to Africa.

Some of Africa’s development partners, like the World Bank, UN, African Development Bank, as well as regional entities like ECOWAS will also be represented, as will companies based in Africa or focusing on Africa.

Sierra Leone is currently the largest recipient of UK aid per capita.

UK spends an estimated 50 million pounds every year on the country.

President Bio’s government is expected take advantage of the London Summit to attract more investment to boost his development agenda under the New Direction Manifesto, with particularly focus on infrastructure, education and energy.

Bio is heading a delegation of about 10 officials that include Chief Minister Prof. David Francis and Education Minister Dr David Sengeh, as well as Foreign Affairs Minister Nabila Tunis and some presidential advisers. 

The UK High Commission in Freetown played a crucial role to facilitate the participation of the Sierra Leonean delegation in the summit. High Commissioner Simon Mustard told journalists last week that the summit offered Sierra Leone among many other countries the opportunity to attracted much needed investment to realize its development aspirations.

“The whole thing will focus on Africa, on the future potentials for investment and prosperity,” Mr Mustad said at a working launch with reporters at his residence.

“It’s a chance for Africa to showcase itself, it’s a chance to say we are the future. And I would imagine that would be at the forefront of every African delegation,” he added.

Prominent areas of focus for the summit include renewable energy, education, infrastructure, finance, and trade.

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