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Sierra Leone president calls on colleague Heads of State to act big on energy


By Abdulai Fasineh Dumbuya

President Julius Maada Bio has called on colleague Heads of State at the International Energy Agency (IEA) Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa to act big and boldly if they must have to achieve sustainable development goal seven for their people.

As a keynote speaker at the summit that saw key figures from over 60 nations, converge in Paris, France, on May 14, 2024, President Bio underscored the urgency for colleague heads of state to address the energy problem head on as contained in the (IEA) analysis which stated that nearly one in five individuals in Africa still cook their meals over open fires and traditional stoves.

He  mentioned how 2.3 billion people worldwide lack access to clean cooking, a number that is projected to increase by 2030 if necessary actionable strategies are not provided to act swiftly and decisively.

“Today’s summit is call to action and a plea to prioritize this crucial matter for the betterment of our people and our planet.

“Regrettably our past experiences have revealed a disheartening truth. Clean cooking – a matter of utmost importance – is also overlooked by in our energy access and electrification planning process in our various countries,” Bio said.

He emphasized the need to corroborate efforts to achieve global net zero target and entreated colleagues to adopt a robust efforts to address access to clean cooking solutions in Africa and other parts of the world.

He therefore reiterated for action  to implement the right policies, create the enabling environment suitable for investment that can foster development and promote cleaner fossil and technology to the countries that are at most vulnerable.  

“In the context of Sierra Leone, the 2023 SDGs tracking report shows that Sierra Leone’s access to clean fossils and technologies for cooking was at 0.8 percent in 2021, with 1.5 percent of the population in the urban areas have access, and 0. % in rural areas with access,” he said.  

He stated that the absence of access to clean cooking solution has significantly affected Sierra Leone’s economy, with an estimated annual cost of inaction totaling 4.7 billion dollars, saying that those costs came from adverse impacts, such as women’s lost productivity  of1.4 billion, health 3. 2 billion and climate changing impacts 0.2 billion.

To make 2024 a turning point for clean cooking is crucial for Sierra Leone and that is why “I am here”, President Bio said, adding that his government recognizes the importance of clean cooking and is committed to taking bold steps because it is the right thing to do for its people.

When key policy instruments and initiatives for clean cooking are being addressed, he said he would establish a just an inclusive energy transition plan or grid growth plan, which will capture access to clean cooking as a major pillar, as embedded within the presidential initiatives of climate change, renewable energy and food security.   

“As a country susceptible to the harsh reality of climate change, we are committed to building climate resilience and gradually transitioning to green growth. We are working on national climate change act and regulations to support our forests for enabling environment for all,” he said.  

Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella, one of the key facilitators at the (IEA) Summit, said that achieving universal access to clean cooking is a shared priority for the international community and that access to clean cooking solution is not merely a solution; but a necessity for African prosperity and the imperative for global sustainability.

“This summit marks critical juncture in positioning clean cooking access at the forefront of global energy, climate and development agenda. Mobilizing financial commitments and outlining concrete action plans are paramount. Identifying possible investment and establishing a clear way forward for mobilizing them will send a resounding message,” Yumkella stated.

 He said multiple types of resources are needed for development support, technical assistance to private sector investment; as well as leading stakeholders, governments, development agencies, development banks, the private sector and philanthropy.

Copyright © 2024 Politico (20/05/24)
