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Twitter, the Gossip (05/08/15)


As far as we know, the position of our dear Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) on the State of Emergency is that it should be lifted. That position hasn't changed in months. In fact, there's no suggestion in SLAJ circles for a review of that position. So the Green Movement is not the only organisation calling for the people's civil liberties to be restored with any further delay. At the time the call was made, SLAJ cited selective implementation of the regulations and the general displeasure at people's rights being suspended continuously.

In fact, we hate the fact that the Green Movement which gladly went to parliament and supported the last extension despite the cries of the people are the ones now shouting the wall of Jericho down. This is not out of concern for the people, it is because they think the political calendar that COULD return them to power, is under threat of being extended. That's it. So we don't really count their shouts for much.

We repeat what others have said already: Liberia lifted emergency rule just when it became clear to them that Ebola was on the run. Since then, Liberia hasn't panicked even with their recent setback. Sierra Leoneans and Liberians are the same people divided by a small river. And in any case, we have basically copied their strategies in the fight against Ebola. Why not copy their approach to civil liberties?

Even De Pa has said that the people are tired with all the restrictions. We want to celebrate our victory against Ebola despite that victory being so costly in human lives in particular. LIFT STATE OF EMERGENCY IMMEDIATELY.



It's a very difficult thing to be caught in the headlamps of national publicity like minister Logus Koroma is now. He's definitely not enjoying it. But we are dealing with a minister who, on the face of it, likes the media very much. He is always on radio promoting this or that programme - the controversial AFTER U NAR U and recently the ONE HUNDRED BUSES project. The difference is that this time, Logus appears dazzled by the brightness of the light shinning from all sides. As great friends of Logus, we have actions we want him to take so that the people carrying the torches would go away.

1. Cooperate fully with the ACC as they go about investigating the purchase of the buses. We have no reason to believe you wouldn't.

2. Never work on any other contract until you are sacked from that ministry - no more buses, no more ferries or even planes.

3. In fact, ask the Human Resource Office to replace all your civil servants with others you will personally select. Some of the old ones may be the people leaking documents from your office.

4. Pray fervently with the help of a man of God for the almighty to take control of the situation.

5. Resign and return to you former job in the United States. It probably didn't pay as much as the current one, but at least that job is not so much under the radar as being a minister in Sierra Leone.



We've been reading a public notice from the road safety agency and others calling on people who move herds of cattle around the country to make sure they control their cattle on the main highways to ensure safety. That's a good point. We've encountered such movements many times and we applaud those who put out that public notice for attempting to control the situation now. Good work.

We are just a little bit concerned that they appear to have closed their eyes to what is happening right under our noses in the nation's capital, Freetown. We've complained about the uncontrolled movement of very filthy pigs in some parts of Freetown for a very long time...it would appear as if people have simply refused to act. Kingtom community, Krootown road, Kroo Bay, Waterloo Street and areas around Connaught hospital are the most affected. Are we really being told that those who own those pigs are free to do what they like? We are looking to make Freetown a 21st century city but we allow pigs to roam freely in such important areas. The City Council is just a stone's throw from the pig parade but they pretend not to know what was happening. And we've been calling their attention to such eyesore.

Apart from those filthy pigs, we've seen people moving cattle from the east to the west of Freetown in broad daylight, during rush hour. What's really happening to this place? What's really difficult about telling such people they can only move cattle across the city in vehicles designed for that? What's difficult about banning people from rearing their pigs in central Freetown? There are many areas in rural Freetown to do that. Frankly, the current situation is unacceptable. So while we issue public notices against those in the countryside, let's also not forget to deal with those in our backyard.



So there are six names on the shortlist - people who've put their names forward for the POISONED CHALICE of a job called COACH OF LEONE STARS. Not bad. In fact we are very proud that there is anybody around thinking about putting their name forward for the job. We have no idea when interviews will take place or who will be on the panel. It really doesn't matter for now. And we couldn't care less who gets the job. As far as we are concerned, unless we do a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to find out what happened to our football and how to come back from the doldrums, things like appointing coaches are part of an elaborate window-dressing project designed to make the people stupid.

To be honest, we don't blame the people running the game now for the troubles of the game. They may have lost good opportunities to turn things around but they are certainly not responsible for all our problems. Anyway, we just want to pass on some tips to those who will be interviewed for the job. Hope they find our tips useful. The ideal candidate must:

1. Be prepared to use very salty language anywhere, against anybody - Sherrington style. There will be a nationwide outcry against that and the SLFA would send you home for a few days but you would be restored quietly. Sherrington is returning soon. We are waiting to see that happen.

2.  Be totally loyal to the head of the SLFA, forget about the people of Sierra Leone who pay your salary. Try and demonstrate that even on the day of the interview by telling whosoever is head of the SLFA how wonderful they are.

3. You must operate a divide and rule policy when it comes to handling the media. Speak only to a few selected local lapdogs and damn the others. In fact concentrate on international publications. that's the game.

4. Be prepared for extremely harsh criticisms from the most meddlesome minister anywhere in the world and an extremely talkative splinter group called STAKEHOLDERS who would constantly be engaged in a war of attrition to remove the head of the SLFA.

5. When you lose a match - and you will lose many matches all over the place like we've been doing for the last year or so, just blame the pitch and bad referring. That's part of the script in Sierra Leone.

There's very strong suspicion among sport journalists that the SLFA has a candidate already and that this whole interview thing is a ritualistic facade to mask that game. Guys, good luck anyway. We charge no fees for this.

(C) Politico 05/08/15
