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Twitter the Gossip (27/06/19)


So the search is on for the owner of Ribar Hotel in Kono which has fallen within the scope of an ongoing ACC investigation. The ACC says nobody has stepped forward to claim ownership of the property possibly because they want to speak to that person. A former minister who many believe owns the hotel has denied ownership according to the ACC. Now the nation finds itself in this ridiculous situation where an expensive property like that is in limbo with a body as powerful as the ACC trying to fill in the blank spaces.

On behalf of the people of Sierra Leone we hereby announce that we entered the search for the owner of Ribar Hotel a few hours ago and already we have made really good progress. To protect sources and methods we will not go into details but here’s what we have done so far:

1. We have spoken to some people who have passed through that hotel as guests over the period and they have a pretty good idea who owns the hotel. They interacted with the poorly paid staff who told them a lot about their employer.

2. Those business people who constantly supplied things like groceries, fuel and lubricants to Ribar hotel have told us who paid for those goods and service. In fact some of them told us their payments are still outstanding.

3. The Contractor who put up that structure is alive, his workers are very much around and we even traced some payments to their bank accounts from a particular people.

4. The neighbors are still there. They remember the day this affluent person came to their area to inform them of the pending project. They remember continuously seeing that person supervising work. We have spoken to them.

5. We know that many good and marvelous things happened during the week in which creation took place. Ribar Hotel was not among God’s creation. It was put there by a human being. The search goes on.


Hello people just look through your newspaper archives and pick out stories about student union elections on FBC campus going back five years and replace those dates with yesterday’s date and you have the same story all over again. We just want to demonstrate that in terms of student unionism the more things have changed on FBC campus the more they have remained the same.

What else should FBC students do at election time if not DEBATE the issues? And how on earth could a minor disagreement over style and presentation descend into all out violence including stone throwing, wounding of innocent people and destroying of college property? We are talking about college property still being renovated with huge donor money with the representatives of the donors looking on.

Because of this shame, the whole student union thing is back at SQUARE ONE despite the best efforts of the new government – the student union movement on FBC campus is banned again and the aspiration of those young people who wanted to take the mantle of leadership in collage remains on hold.

Here’s what we think:

1. We understand why the government banned the Student Union. They want to protect life and property and create a good learning environment on campus but by always resorting to this sledge hammer governments have simply played into the hands of anarchists. The authorities must put the necessary security measures in place and conduct the election.

2. Administrative investigations mounted by FBC have either failed or have had very little impact. Let the police investigate these riots and prosecute those involved in our courts. FBC students are not better those high school pupil where were locked up for doing the same thing in town.

3. Think of more innovative ways of conducting Student Union elections knowing fully well that violence is always just around the corner.

4. FBC campus needs massive CCTV operation to kill this idea that people can cause havoc and expect to go free.

5. The administrative inquiry now being talked about should be done by administrators from other universities. Fairness please!


Since the Queen of Sierra Leone Football worked out of the courtroom free of corruption charges she has been away at the headquarters of SLFA international somewhere in continental Europe making occasional appearances in her favourite international media organizations to communicate to her subjects in little and insignificant Sierra Leone. In the early years of her stolen mandate, she was widely reported as saying she didn’t need the local media to become great. Well, we are equally sure the local media do not need her to increase audience figures or secure lucrative advertising deals.

FIFA has undemocratically handed us an unpopular president with a stolen mandate and they keep extending that mandate by means of one excuse or the other. If SLFA was an African country, rebels would be at the gates of the capital now trying to oust the queen for orchestrating MORE TIME.

Now we hear they are planning to institute a corrupt integrity audit system with the covert motive of eliminating potential candidates for the presidency of the SLFA at home. We have bad news: if you succeed in kicking out those in the race right now, we can always produce a candidate that will beat the queen easily even if Blatter or Platini conducted such an election with Qatar serving as Godfather for the queen.

All Sierra Leoneans want now is a date for the elective congress, not all this triumphalism and traveling all around the world playing victim. The people want elections WITHOUT DELAY.


Is Mayor of the Sun really telling us she hasn’t seen the mess in the middle of King Jimmy Bridge over the last one year? For the records raw sewerage is flowing from somewhere in your city madam ending up in the middle of that bridge which your predecessor, a man called Bababode made so much noise about following its collapse and reconstruction. We really feel sorry for the people who work around that area and those of us who in trying to beat the traffic jam in the middle of town are compelled to use Wallace Johnson Street.

The last time we passed that way, we say sticks inside that hole with what looked like a piece of the Berlin Wall near the impact point, apparently aimed at warning motorists about the danger ahead.

When Mayor of the Sun talks about Transforming Freetown, some of us feel happy because we live in Freetown and we want to be able to tell show our visitors around our Transformed Freetown. We surely can’t do that with ease with raw sewerage flowing down a place as important as King Jimmy and possibly in other places. So we don’t think we should be giving people as important as our dear Mayor of the Sun any ultimatum but as good citizens of this city, we appeal to our gracious lady to take a stroll to that bridge from her office and then instruct her sanitary engineers to fix that problem within 24 hours or risk the sack. It’s that serious.

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