We don’t know how many times PPRC wants to ring the bell on this major flaw in the affairs of our political parties before taking action in accordance with the law. A few months ago, we definitely saw some PPRC document raising the issue of political parties not having offices in regional headquarters as required by law. When we approached the PPRC to help put some flesh on the bones of that document, we were told there was no such pronouncement by the PPRC. We were shocked to our bones.
A few weeks later, here’s PPRC reproducing the same document they either withdrew under pressure from God knows where or just did not want journalists chasing those issues. Anyway, dealing with the media is a full time job that requires maximum concentration. We will hang it there for now.
Let’s go back to the issue itself and ask how can these organizations call themselves political parties with a national character when they are only present in Freetown? Surely they believe Freetown is Sierra Leone. It is NOT.
When it concerns their rights as prescribed by law, they quickly call the media and shout but when they fail to obey the law, they expect us to turn a blind eye. Well, we have bad news for them: we will keep going at this until they comply or PPRC takes them to court.
We call on those organizations thinking of themselves as national political parties to consider our concerns expressed below:
1. Guys be honest with yourselves and admit that you can’t really run political parties because you don’t have the money and goodwill it takes to run one. You can run regional protest movements but you can’t run political parties with a national character.
2. Presidential and Parliamentary Elections are not like a lottery that can be won by those who can buy tickets to try their luck. Elections are won on solid policies backed by a strong leadership and good grassroots operation. You people don’t have any.
3. How can we continue calling you political parties and granting you all the privileges attached to that when you spend all your time on radio stations in Freetown, on social media and in the courts fighting against you landlords over rent?
4. May be we should set a threshold of votes that parties must reach in elections to maintain their registration papers. That will be great.
5. Just to let you know that Goodluck Jonathan is no more in power in Nigeria so no cash coming this way for political parties. In fact, when Jonathan gave you money to organize yourselves, you ended up fighting each other like children. Some parties ended up in court.
The Ministry of Information and Communication and their partners in the telecommunication industry are meeting in the eastern headquarter town of Kenema obviously to talk about their work and their profits. Yes their profits. Well, telecommunications operators are business people so their motive is to make huge profits.
The meeting is taking place at a time when the telecoms regulator, NATCOM is implementing some complex price formula that has resulted in mobile phone companies cutting off weekend bonuses that many ordinary people have come to depend on. We don’t want to attempt any explanation of the NATCOM formula because the people have already passed their verdict. The people want the companies appropriately taxed but not to the extent that weekend promotions are affected. So to emerge from the Kenema meeting without a clear position on that will be like the Grand Old Duke of York marching his ten thousand men up the hill and marching them down again without any action. Why mobilize them in the first place?
We don’t mind bringing pressure to bear on the government to change course as far as the telecommunication companies are concerned but we have a big problem with mobile phone operators. We don’t trust them. No matter what they do or say, we know deep down that they are after money and they didn’t come to Sierra Leone because they love this country. It’s all about money.
They have put their well-oiled public relations machine into action against the government on the question of bonuses being taxed. With NATCOM not making their case in good time before announcing the new pricing formula, we are sorry to say that they’ve been blackmailed and by extension the government so they have to climb down on the measures that caused the companies to drop weekend bonuses. Next time NATCOM should prepare itself well before going to the public with anything.
The so-called YEAR OF DELIVERY declared by Principal will soon claim its first casualties in some Ministries, Departments and Agencies. Let’s put this bluntly, some ministers, heads of parastatals and agencies of government will be SACKED soon. In fact, our sources tell us that Principal will strike the hammer before April and that the pain will be felt right across government. In other words nobody is safe. There are some in these offices of state who have given up already because they know they’ve failed woefully. They’ve been hanging in there by their finger nails and praying that Principal will not think about them when that hour comes. In fact, we understand that the shape of the government will change. It will be Diego Semione playing FIVE people across midfield to stop the opposition getting at his defence.
There is absolutely no doubt that for some of those who will be sacked in the different MDAs there will be no news to report because the people have been calling for their removal from office about six months into their stewardship because of poor performance.
We want to suggest a few last minute things our friends who are in the firing line could do to persuade Principal to keep them in office or to give themselves some soft landing on the other side of this country on being sacked.
1. Principal is Catholic – in fact a very religious man. One of the best ways to get him to reverse his decision to sack a minister might be to run to the Archbishop of Freetown and get him to plead directly to Principal on your behalf. Tell the Bishop to quote copious biblical references dealing with issues like patience and forgiveness. He could even talk about the prodigal son especially for those who have been in the wilderness for two years now.
2. Start making handsome donations to The Bo School and the Hand off our Girls campaign. Such kindness will register straight inside the heart of Principal. It’s never too late.
3. Go to at least three radio stations and pay for airtime of ONE HOUR in each station and talk about the GREAT successes of the New Direction under the wise leadership of Principal. Continue doing this till the end of March and you will definitely be favorably considered to stay in government.
4. You can also commission the most powerful traditional healers to go into action now. There are many powerful ones in Mali. They will give you some concoction to drink and some other smelly materials to smear your body with. Try it.
This will cause some temporary inconvenience but as long as you will stay in government it shouldn’t matter. That’s what is important to you.
5. If you can’t do any of the above and you are due to be sacked, please do the following:
a. Start being nice to everybody once again. Visit your old friends you abandoned since your appointment. Start calling all those whose calls you have dodged all this while. They will be angry and surprised but what are friends for?
b. Start packing your files quietly. Be nice to your messengers, cleaners, drivers and cooks. Let them feel like human beings once again. Talk to people about all the vanity around public office and why big men should be real at all times.
c. Remember to take your most valuable items out of the office daily after work. Most times Principal strikes in the evenings. No need to try getting stuff out of your office on being sacked. You should have quietly cleared the place before that. Good luck guys!
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