
Airtel admits to fraud

A 2-week-long investigation into how unsuspecting mobile phone and internet users of Airtel have been swindled of their credits has revealed that the mobile phone company was aware of the practice but did nothing to stop it.
On 30 January, 2012 Politico took up the issue of deliberately deducting units from phones and internet modems for no service rendered with the company’s Rawdon Street Office in central Freetown and found out from its sales and customer care units that they were aware of the act but “it was a technology related misnomer.”

Key Note Address by President Koroma at the Sierra Leone National Conference

Key Note Address by His Excellency the President
Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma
Sierra Leone Conference on Development and Transformation

The journey of the next fifty years of independence has begun; and we are gathered here today to map out how we are going to make it better than the journey we made during the last fifty years. This Conference is a moment for solidifying our collective promise to make this country better than we inherited it; and to deliver a country to our grandchildren that is worthy of their admiration, respect, and honorable remembrance of us.

Business & Economy: Mines, Hopes & Money:

By Tanu Jalloh

When the diamond mines surfaced in the 1930s the country glittered. The economy boomed. But when they almost diminished after eight decades, they left behind misery, hatred, greed and war. The hopes they had raised were razed. However, resources generated by the mines, then, were the major forces behind the country’s glosses. With the mines, there were hopes, but also was money.

Bottom Line: From Jimmy B to Lumley gun battle

By Isaac Massaquoi
Sierra Leone music has indeed come a long way. A man from humble beginnings in the west end of Freetown was destined to be the one to revolutionise the Sierra Leone music industry after more than two decades of inertia and mediocrity. I bet that Jimmy B will cringe at the sudden turn of events. As I write we have musicians before the courts after an unusual gun battle beginning with an O.J. Simpson style car chase in the usually serene Lumley beach area of western Freetown.

