
Premier League Review 13/05/19

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

Lions drop points in Kono

So Lions dropped two points over the weekend in Kono. For the title race, this means instead of leading 2nd place FC Kallon by four points or at least one point (if FC Kallon wins), they are now leading them by just two points. Yes, just two points. FC Kallon could go top of the table with a win against Old Edwardians this Saturday.

Brilliant Ajax have shown what money can’t buy

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

Champions’ League is monotonous; it has been for a while. Every season there are usual suspects who are guaranteed to make it to at least the semi-finals. They are Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Barcelona and perhaps Juventus.

But this season this line up has been altered, and quite significantly. One team who have forced their way through are Ajax of Amsterdam. Like sweet little kids, they have rudely interrupted the European football party and we’ve all loved their daring, playful, stubborn attitude.

Isha Johansen case postponed

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

The high court of Sierra Leone has postponed the hearing of embattled FA President, Isha Johansen. Johansen and FA Secretary General, Chris Kamara are on trial for corruption and mismanagement.  The court which was due to seat today was unexpectedly adjourned for Friday, 3rd May.

Kamboi Eagles might surprise us and win the Premier League

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

When East End Lions missed that last penalty kick, that was it. Kamboi Eagles became the first champion of the Independence Day trophy. But this did not just happen; this was not meant to happen. They knocked out two of the biggest teams - FC Kallon and East End Lions - in the country on their way to the title podium.

This was not a mere stroke of luck. This was achieved through sheer hard work and guts.

Le100 million up for grab for Independence Day trophy

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

The Independence Day trophy is set to start today at the National Stadium where four teams will be playing for a trophy and a Le100 million-prize money. Organizers say the competition is a way of uniting the country through football during the independence celebrations.

Sierra Leone will mark its 58 Independence anniversary on April 27, the day it regained self-rule from Britain.

 “We want to compete in boxing and not participate…” - Sierra Leone Boxers' Scribe

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

The Secretary General of the Sierra Leone Boxing Association, Alhaji Komba has said they are training Sierra Leonean boxers to be more competitive in future tournaments. Komba said they want Sierra Leonean boxers to be competitors, rather than just participants as it has been the norm in the history of boxing in the country.

“We want to prepare our boxers to compete and not just participate,” Komba said

WABA revives basketball

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

The Western Area Basket Ball Association (WABA) has started a regional basketball championship at the National Stadium Basketball court. The competition features nine teams from across Freetown.

Alex Sahr Kangasu, the Public Relations Officer for WABA, said the competition is important for the players and their growth. “The players are excited because they have put a lot of work into training,” Kangasu said.

