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Sierra Leone university lecturers issue 21-day ultimatum

  • The Protesting Lecturers at the ETU

By Prince J Musa in Kenema

The Academic Staff Association of Public Universities in Sierra Leone has on the 18th November 2023 converged at the Eastern Technical University in Kenema where they have resolved among other things to a 21-day ultimatum effective today 20th November for the government to address their concerns or they will down tools.

 A position paper by the group highlighted several issues regarding their welfare. The Public Relation officer of the Academic Staff Association Dr. Tonyia Musa after the engagement said the meeting was to discuss issues related to engagement they have had with the government.

He said, one of the pressing issues was salary adjustment in line with allowances such as medical allowance, rent among others.

“Our position paper is twenty one days notice if our demands are not looked into, we will withhold our services in all government universities,’’ he said.

He said due to the current economic situation in the country, their salaries cannot upkeep them therefore, he said they are demanding a 58% increase to their take-home as a way to cushion the situation.  Another major concern he said is the demand for a salary upgrade for lecturers of Polytechnic institutions that have been transformed to universities.

Dr. Musa said that the government is yet to issue the lecturers new appointment letters in respect of their new status as university lecturers.

Speaking about promotions, the PRO said the new criteria set by the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education does not favour them, saying it is rigid and  cumbersome. The lecturers therefore pleaded with the government to maintain the old criteria until such time when the administration provides the enabling environment to make them grow.

Lecturers of Eastern Technical University formerly Eastern Polytechnic held a peaceful protest in relation to their salary condition which according to them does not match the status of a university lecturer. The President of the Senior Staff Association of Eastern Technical University Joe Diawo said, the decision was made by lecturers of all government universities, Njala, University of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma University, and ETU Milton Margai Technical University.

He said they are hopeful that the government will respond to their concerns. 

Copyright (c) 2023 Politico (20/11/23)
