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Sierra Leone electricity company on nationwide raids for illegal abstraction

  • Kanja Sesay, Energy Minister

By Politico staff writer

The Director-General of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) and team are currently on a nationwide raid for illegal abstraction of electricity.

The Director General Dr. Joe-Lahai Sormana and his team during the last weekend conducted raids in Bo and Kenema in the South Eastern regions and reportedly discovered Massive Electricity theft at big business places such as hotels, Entertainment centres, welding shops, and minimarts.

Speaking to journalists, Dr. Joe-Lahai said their primary responsibility is to give light to the people.

“We at EDSA don't generate light. We buy the light and then sell the light, in return when we get the money we buy again. Over the years EDSA is not making a lot of money to be able to continue to buy the light”, he said.

He expressed frustration over electricity theft in the country, citing a recent press statement from the authority and a press conference held on the 22nd of January this year where the Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, his deputy minister Dr. Eldred Taylor and the board chairman and members of both the ministry of Energy and EDSA all agreed to devise ways to end the menace  affecting the Authority’s success.

“When we don't give light it is the government that gets the pressure. And a lot of people do not pay for the light they utilize and we need those monies to buy the power from those that generate it. So we have vowed that this has to stop. We are not ending this operation. We will continue on the spot check at any time. We have seen Hotels stealing lights, entertainment places, and private people", Dr. Joe-Lahai said.

He said that there are allegations of the Authority’s staff being involved in the syndicate. He said he would not rule it out but that any staff caught in such acts would be prosecuted and would lose their job without benefit, something he said no staff he believes would want to face.  

“If you are a contract staff, you might take the risk. So what we are doing now is to screen all our contract staff, the hope is that at the end of this activity, the person we don't need we will serve them letters. Those that are in, make sure you have identification so we can account for you at any given time. If any staff is involved you will be dismissed,” he said.

The Director General said there are still meters for sale for those complaining that they have faulty meters or in need. He encouraged people to report electricity theft happening around them, saying that it is a contributing factor to the current electricity situation in the country as it directly impacts the Authority’s revenue generation. The raid continues in other locations across the country.  

Copyright © 2024 (Politico 31/01/24)
