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GWYLF reaches Grand Finals…Newcastle United vs. Basky United

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By Kemoh Sesay

Newcastle United will lock horns with Basky United in the grand final scheduled for September 1, at the Give Where You Live Foundation (GWYLF) Under 14 competition at the Approved School playing grounds, Wellington. According to the Chairman of the foundation Mohamed Sow, the reason for organising the league is to keep young boys away from "negative things which usually lead them to violent behavior". He noted that since the start of the league they have seen  "lots of brilliant skills on display which  football fans within the community admire...the turnout of fans was good and most of them were happy for the good venture of the foundation as this is the first time it has happened in this community’’. Head coach of Newcastle United Abu Bakarr Conteh said that he was happy that his  team reached the finals unbeaten. On the side, Basky United, Abass Koroma said they are optimistic about winning the trophy for the first time and to become the first team to win the U-14 championship. Meanwhile the winner will receive Le400, 000 and the runner-up Le200, 000 and football items from the foundation. Sixteen communities from across the Western Area of Sierra Leone, participated in the competition. (C) Politico 27/08/13
