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By Kemoh Sesay

The Sierra Leone Football Association says it has no hands in a football tournament taking place at the national stadium involving Premier League and Division One teams. According to a press release issued by the SLFA, the group of football stakeholders which organised the tournament did so "without prior notice of the Committee of the SLFA. This is not the first time this group of people has used the name of the SLFA to solicit public interest as well as financial/materials benefit."

The release adds that it was "illegal" for clubs registered with the SLFA "to participate in any football event which has not been sanctioned by the SLFA according to the SLFA statues. Therefore, all members and officials are advised in their own interest to desist from honoring such football activities with immediate effect or face the consequences as prescribed in FA Statues."

According to the Chairman of the SLFA interim Committee which organised the tournament, "the SLFA Executive Committee headed by Isha Johansen has been dissolved by members, therefore anybody or group of people who are doing business with them are doing it at their own risk, so their press release is of no importance to us."

Alhaji Unisa Alim Sesay said that all the money used to finance this tournament came from the pocket of all club owners who are members of the SLFA, and that Johansen "is yet to account for the 2 million dollars from FIFA...action will be taken against her when the time comes."

Sesay said the tournament would continue until 3rd October.

(C) Politico 25/08/15
