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Kailahun - Koindu Road Project launched

By Politico staff writer

President Julius Maada Bio has on Friday 16th of June this year launched a project aimed at upgrading the Kailahun-Koindu - Guinea-Liberia Border Road. The event was held on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Funded by the African Development Bank and the Government of Sierra Leone, the project is under the Mano River Union Road Development and Transport Facilitation Programme - Phase III.

Speaking at the Ceremony at the engineers’ camp site in Gbalahun, Kailahun District, President Bio said the road project was part of the fulfillment of promises he made to the people of Kailahun. " As long as we are in power, we will continue to provide you with the essential services that will make you comfortable," he stated.

He encouraged parents to send their children to school so that they can turn out to be helpful to them. " You have always been in the sun and under the rain in support of this party, but the best way you can benefit more from governance is when you have lots of educated children who can gain meaningful appointments and influence policies," he advised.

The President promised to continue negotiations with development partners to ensure that funds will be provided for the remaining stretch of the road.

The Director General of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA), Ing. Amara Jambai Kanneh, described the launch of the road project as a historic event because it has been at the heart of every descendant of Kailahun District.

Ing. Kanneh gave an account of the progress made on the project, including the award of works contract, the payment of compensation to Property Affected Persons and the ongoing contribution of camp and quarry sites. 

He pledged the professional commitment of SLRA to supervise the contractor and ensure that the works are done within the required budget and stipulated time.

The Paramount Chief of Luawa Chiefdom, Mohamed Kailondo Banya, on behalf of other local authorities,  commended President Bio for his development strides and noted the relevance of the Kailahun-Koindu Road Project.

The Project Manager for China Henan International Cooperation Group (CHICO), Yang Yaqui, pledged the commitment of his company to implement the project according to its specifications.

The scope of works for Lot One of the project includes, upgrading 25 kilometres of road from Kailahun to Buedu, the construction of 276 metres Peace Bridge over the Makona River in Yenga and the construction of a modern market in Koindu.

The works on the Kailahun - Buedu Road will be completed in 24 months according to the officials.

Copyright © 2023 Politico (19/06/23)
