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Dear Marjorie Jones

Since you hovered over Durosimi like a guardian angel after you left

you would have known that Durosimi Eldred Jones left us today

He left us filled with your shared memories to quench the emptiness in our lives

He left us with a ripple of light streaking across

the sky like a comet illuminating souls even though his light dimmed decades ago

He left us after infusing a bit of his glow in every one of us, so we shall light candles in the pedestal of our souls to set ablaze the literary firmament, after he had returned to his maker fulfilled.

He left us after emptying the tenderness in him on us, to tame our souls and trim our spirits in ways only literature can do.

He left us after those he had taught now teach the teachers of the future, so he shall live in mind-scapes even after he had left

He left us with hope and confidence only a people that had a Durosimi as a compatriot would have

He left us after his Midas touch had transformed us all to nuggets of gold scattered in the literary landscape for all to mine.

He left us with a compass to guide us through the literary maze with the precision of navigators

He left us after we had drunk from the fountain of knowledge sprouting from Leicester through mount Aureol to forlorn shores

He left us with an insatiable quest to follow knowledge Like Ulysses of old; to seek, to find and never to yield

Though he lost his lifetime library to delinquent fire,

He left a library in every one of his students waiting to be written.

 Though he lost his sight and groped in the dark for ages, yet he was a fountain of light for a nation in the dark 

Today we return a priceless gift to God for eternity with a song so graceful and amazing

Today we beat our chests with pride because we are Durosimi’s countrymen 

Tomorrow, we shall gaze at the sky to see our Jones shine like a Cassiopeia constellation,

And we shall sing like John Keats’ Nightingale.

God be with you till we meet again

Yours sincerely,

By Oumar Farouk Sesay

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