By Zainab Joaque
Executive director of Network Movement for Justice and Development, NMJD has told the opening of a two-daynational stakeholders’ conference to explore sustainable corporate strategy that they are “still in a transition”.
The meeting, yesterday, took place at the Holy Trinity Hall inthe eastern district headquarter town of Kenema where they consulted with stakeholders on short term planning to long term visioning the organization that would mapthe way forward after 25 years of development work.
“In our current 2012-2016 strategic plan the task is still no longer simply to consolidate and expand the work of service but to decisively tackle the task of building a society where accountability and social justice in governance prevail,” said Brima.
Highlighting some of the lessons learnt and recognizing some of their limitations, the executive director said that the consultation should recognize the need to provide the guidance for the adoption of an integrated social transformation programme of action.
An approach he said would explore the inter relationship between different elements and environments, both internal and external, with capacity building interventions therefore aiming at holistically exploring different dimensions of organizational life.
“My organization has been facing a constant dilemma of having ambitions far greater than the resources they have to achieve them. This coupled with the fact that there is high dependence on donors or development partners with attendant conditions for use of resources provided”, he said.
Gilio Brunelli, representing the Canadian Catholic Organization for development and peace, said that they were pleased to have worked with NMJD for the past 25 years and promised to continue to stand in solidarity with its leadership in support of all men and women in Sierra Leone.
“Together we will provide better society for women and men.We are very happy that we are able to contribute to the development process in Sierra Leone through the work of NMJD”, adding thatto be in solidarity meant to stand together for a course, purpose and a common goal.
He said development was about freedom, which meant freedom from hunger, ignorance, sickness, indiscrimination, violence and war.
Paramount Chief Sahr Briwa of Fiama chiefdom in Konoand a member on the board on NMJD was full of praise for their advocacy work in bringing about change and empowerment in political governance in the country. He said they provided agricultural assistance to the people of Kono, giving them access to justice, engaging community based organizations and partnering with local authorities.
While statements from the national youth commission and ministry of mines called on NMJD to make youth development a key pillar of their development work, the chairperson for the occasion and chair board of advisors, Marian Moijueh, appealed to stakeholders to take heed of what had been highlighted.
(C) Politico 10/04/14