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Sierra Leone’s president terminates services of senior officials

  • PK Muana

By Politico Staff Writer

 Eight Presidential Advisers and the Chairman of the Office of Presidential Infrastructure Initiative, Dr. John E. Tambi  have had their services terminated.

A letter from the Secretary to President Julius Maada Bio, addressed to the Accountant- General at the Ministry of Finance dated Wednesday 5th July 2023, with notification for updating of the payroll, highlighted the names of those affected.

 Special Adviser to the President Dr.Kona Cecilia Koroma, Senior Presidential Adviser and Ambassador at Large for Heritage and Culture, Raymond De Souza-George, Political Adviser , Dr. Brima Patrick Kapuwa, and Adviser to the President John Oponjo Benjamin have all lost their jobs.

  Senior Presidential Adviser and Head of Strategic Communication, Dr. Patrick K.Muana Presidential Adviser on National Security, Retired Major General Mohamed M. Keita,  Presidential Adviser  Augustine Boss Fallay  and Special Adviser to the President Dr. Umaru B.Wurie  have also had their services terminated.

Their dismissals came just a week after the President Bio was sworn –in for   his second term after winning the June 24th General Elections..

Copyright © 2023 Politico (07/07/23)
