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TWITTER, the gossip (04/10/12)


Sports reporters in Freetown are having the time of their life at the moment. Ever since Pope John Paul took over as minister it’s been a real roller-coaster with Pope Paul proclaiming himself the Generalissimo of world football, the father of Sierra Leone democracy and he’s banned, accused, insulted and threatened football stakeholders who won’t play according to his rules. Now, allegations of match-fixing against several present and former SLFA officials have rocked what is left of the FA after FIFA took over the running of the game here.

They are alleged to have taken unprepared national players to nondescript tournaments in Asia where our national team has been humiliated by some of the worst teams in the world. We are now being told that FA officials collected huge sums of money as “participation fees” and some of the boys who took part in those tournaments have hinted they will be ready to testify at an inquiry promised by Minister Paul.

We have always complained that something looks fishy with this mad rush to hold big positions in national football administration in Sierra Leone. We have no hope that this so-called inquiry will ever kick off at all or any time soon. A lot of hot air is being released on radio programs by all parties involved. They’ve been lining up to explain their roles in what is potentially a big scandal that could leave our reputation as a great and decent football nation in tatters.


Bereaved families of the late Bambay Kamara and 28 others have been toiling hard in the sun calling for the palm fronds to me removed off the head of Usuofia so he can be arrested and tried for the killings some 20 years ago. Agreed that Bambay committed a lot of atrocities when he was Inspector General of Police for which he probably should be tried posthumously. But it does not take away the fact that Usuofia should come clean and tackle these questions head-on at a press conference. We know he has expressed regrets saying he shares “collective responsibility” for the killings. But that is not enough. Now we hear Bambay's ghost appeared to him promising to vote against him in November. Usuofia must have woken up sweating and breathing breathlessly. Die hart oh!!! But wait, can someone tell the bereaved families to choose another champion as Bambay's family does not evoke much sympathy even though what happened to him was really bad.

Meanwhile can Usuofia and all those who served the NPRC including John Ben, Attorney General Frank Kargbo, the list is endless, please answer the following:

  1. How long did the trial last for?
  2. How were they executed?
  3. What did the poor fullah man do?
  4. Where were they buried?
  5. More questions to follow. 



After their meeting with De Pa last night, the Paramount Chiefs of the Grand Duchy of Kono can now go home and rest and wait to see if their people will help them deliver the district to De Pa as they have promised. In a modern democracy like Sierra Leone, here is a group of people travelling hundreds of miles to the city to tell De Pa that
they will get their people to vote in one direction. This is without any consultation with their people. Isn’t that very interesting? You have to believe us on this: Kono is the only district in Sierra Leone where the chiefs profess to hold so much sway over their people. If the people don’t deliver a nasty shock one day, the chiefs will continue taking them for granted.

Over the last two months, or so, the chiefs have been busy flip flopping between one Kono candidate and the other. It started with Diana Konomanyi, then came Professor Ritchard Mbayo and on the last day of the NEC deadline we heard of Jon Kamanda. Lo and behold De Pa was looking to go out with the devil he knew. These chiefs are not even
united in their LOVE for the APC. We are sure if De Pa decided again this evening to sack Sam Sumana, the Kono chiefs will be ready again to put more names forward.

When an institution as important as chieftaincy allows itself to be drawn into partisan politics in this way, they make a mistake for which coming generations will suffer. Yes pockets may be bulging now but our children will ask why their fathers acted in this way in 2012.


Petrol queues have appeared on the streets of Freetown, again. This time IB Kargbo hasn’t gone on radio or sent text messages to tell people that “unscrupulous” Sierra Leoneans were hoarding fuel. He is keeping very quiet. We hear that in Kenema, the police have gone on the rampage arresting hapless youth seeking to cash-in on the lack of supplies and the general speculation in the market. Let them know that there are big time hoarders in suits sitting in big offices in Freetown who’ve been feeding fat on oil for years. They have a way of blackmailing all governments particularly at a time like this.

Now the people of this country understand the trick. When you want to force prices up, create artificial scarcity, get the government to panic as the people begin to groan and then the price will go up. Can the government now give the petrol dealers their heart’s desire and free up the country again now? Let the police come to Freetown and arrest the real hoarders. We can provide them with names and pictures.


Nothing makes us angrier than Christiana Thorpe calling the media to her tarpaulin office to pretend as if she is really in charge of certain processes in the coming when she knows she is not in charge of them all. She has just announced that campaigning will start on October 17. Come on Chris, what have the politicians been doing all this while? At funerals, birthday parties, national cleaning days, playing squash at amateur level, praying in mosques and churches, visiting members who are on the brink of defection including the old fox. It has been campaigning all the way. You have not said a word about this underground campaigning Chris.

You see we understand what it means sitting in that pressure cooker called NEC. Look at your man in the east; we know where he got his recommendation from. He has told friends openly about it and we believe him. Mother Chris please tell us the truth and we will support you. But don’t tell us all is well until we find you out.

(c) Politico 04/10/12
